„SOMEWHEN“ – eine atemberaubende Kollektion von Annelie Augustin und Odély Teboul. Für uns das absolute Highlight der Berlin Fashion Week A/W 2013. Eine Detailverliebtheit in der gesamten Kollektion & Präsentation auf höchstem Niveau. Zu 100% unseren Geschmack getroffen!
"SOMEWHEN" - a stunning collection by Annelie Augustin Teboul and Odély. It was the highlight of the Berlin Fashion Week A/W 2013 to us! They paid very high attention to the details throughout their entire collection and also their entire presentation. Everything was top notch. That's exactly what we love!
What an amazing collection! I always like it when designers stick to a neutral palette and really focus on details, rather than allowing a lot of colour to distract people from the fact that their pieces are boring.